Monday, June 18, 2007


Para promover o novo Toyota Auris a OgilvyOne de Atenas desenvolveu uma campanha em que puseram o carro à disposição de alguns bloggers durante uma semana inteira. Todas as suas opiniões, fotos e videos figuravam no Aurisblog, o blog da campanha, bem como nos seus próprios blogs. Para ajudar ofereceram ainda aos bloggers máquinas fotográficas para que pudessem registar tudo com a devida qualidade.

Foi também colocado online um banner da campanha que oferecia ao público em geral a hípotese de ganhar um fim de semana num hotel de 4 estrelas com um Auris à disposição.

A campanha durou 10 dias. 85 bloggers tentaram participar, 15 foram escolhidos, 55 posts foram escritos com 175 comentários. O Aurisblog teve 51 mil visitas sendo 42 mil visitantes únicos. 2 mil test-drives foram solicitados através da campanha o que corresponde a 50% de todos os test-drives solicitados nos diversos canais como telemarketing, ponto-de-venda, eventos e outras promoções.

É altura de dizer: Dêem voz aos consumidores!

To promote the new Toyota Auris, OgilvyOne from Athens created an online campaign in witch different bloggers had a test drive for an hole week. All their opinions, photos and videos were posted in Aurisblog, the campaign blog at the same time as in their own blogs. They also gave cameras to the chosen bloggers so they could register everything with an high-quality devices.

At the same time an online banner was created. The banner was targeted to the general public and it was offering a weekend in a 4 star hotel with an Auris to drive them around.

The campaign duration was 10 days. 85 bloggers tried to participate and 15 were chosen. 55 posts were written and commented 175 times. The Aurisblog had 51 thousand visits and 42 thousand were unique visitors. 2 thousand test-drives were requested through the campaign witch represents 50% of all the different communication channels including telemarketing, point-of-sale, events and other promotions.

It’s time to say: Let consumers speak for themselves!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

muito boa campanha